Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Goodbye 2008 - Goodbye to Princesses!

It appears that we did Disney World in the nick-of-time. It's so rare now that anyone wants to be Snow White or Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty - we're more the Disney Channel now than Disney Dreams... It doesn't seem fair. I understand that a 7 year old would be finishing up, but even our 4 year old is following suit...quickly.... So, I guess it is time to say a sweet goodnight to the girls, Aurora, Cindy and the gang... it was a lovely horsedrawn ride... And they Lived Happily Everafter....

1 comment:

  1. Never really been a Princess family, but I banned all Disney shows with real people (hannah, Zack, Carly) because it made my kids snotty. And it starts so young!!
